See your digital products reach thousands of users

React Native helps us create smart and useful apps by writing just one set of code that works on many devices. With React Native, we can turn your idea into a great digital product that works on any device, no matter what system they use.

Why choose React Native development?

Make really good web and mobile apps that work on many devices and focus on making them easy to use. Find out why React Native is a great choice for your next project!

Cross-device development

Since React Native was developed from React – a JavaScript Framework for front-end development – the code produced in RN can be shared not only with iOS and Android, but also web applications. Go with React Native if you’re looking for a technology that will enable your business to reach users on every main platform.


React Native development is an excellent way to reduce the overall cost of your project, as you will be developing an app to work across multiple platforms simultaneously. Thus, you will not need to engage additional teams for developing separate apps for iOS, Android, and web. The results? Your development expenses may be reduced by as much as 30-35%!

Fast implementation

Since a significant part of the code is the same for each app, cross-platform development in React Native is much faster than writing separate native apps. The time of implementation, as well as Quality Assurance, is significantly optimised. This provides you with a shorter time-to-market and enables you to cut even more costs.

Access to resources

Both JavaScript and React are commonly and extensively used. With React Native being an open-source JavaScript framework with large community support, there are widely available dedicated libraries ready to be used when building an application. This is what makes the overall development process even faster and more efficient.

Excellent UI and UX

React Native development allows for building apps with outstanding UI and UX features effortlessly. You can easily ensure that your app runs smoothly, has a reduced loading time, and is generally highly responsive. The application’s interface will be consistent no matter the target platform, and you can be sure that your app will perform its functionalities seamlessly.

Why choose Inventiva Soft as your React Native development company

Ready to create your digital product with React Native? See why we should be the ones to make it happen!

End-to-end services

Our team of experts will provide you with comprehensive React Native development services, from ideation and strategy, through design and development, all the way to the release and maintenance of your application.

Satisfied clients

Our apps are outstanding, but you don’t have to take our word for it. Miquido takes pride in the fact that 9/10 of our projects come from referrals, and we base our process on mutual trust between us and the clients.

Award-winning apps

For over the decade that we’ve been in the business, our work has granted us recognition at the UK App Awards, Mobile Trends Awards or Fintech Awards, to name a few. And we’re hungry for more!

We use the latest tech stack for your projects


Javascript /Typescript

React Native



Fastlane, Gradle

Teamcity, Gitlab

App Center, Testflight





Testing & Debugging

Detox, Appium

Firebase Crashlytics, Sentry

Firebase Analytics, Revolt

Why Choose Us

Creating Awesome Innovations

We make top-notch software that users will love. If you need web or software development, Inventiva is the right choice for you.

Improving Ourselves

Whether it's for iOS, Android, or the web, we're here to provide the best solutions for your business. We offer great app support and maintenance at affordable prices.

Balancing Work and Life

Our certified test engineers ensure you get what you pay for. We fix any issues and bugs before delivering your project.

Clear Communication

Our certified test engineers guarantee you get what you paid for and resolve problems promptly before delivery. We believe in clear and open communication.